пятница, 27 октября 2017 г.


Традиционно, в последний день четверти в гимназии прошел ФРИМАРКЕТ. Мягкие грушки, машинки, солдатики, бонстики, киндер-игрушки, открытки, книги, журналы, украшения обрели новую жизнь. В течение трех недель учащиеся, учителя и работники гимназии приносили в библиотеку вещи, которые им не нужны и получали взамен "денюжки", которые в день ярмарки они обменяли на другие, нужные им вещи.

Каждый был рад приобрести что-то нужное. Особенно активными были ребята начальных классов.

Не спешите выбрасывать старые вещи, возможно кому-то они очень нужны и в следующем году вы обменяете их на нашем ФРИМАРКЕТЕ!

пятница, 21 апреля 2017 г.

World Book and Copyright Day

A book is a source of knowledge. World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated on the 23d of April.
On the 21st of April for the students of 5th-6th forms we organized an activity in a form of a magazine.
The first page “Printed Word” was devoted to Frantsisk Skorina. In 2017 we celebrate the 500 anniversary of book printing. The Belarusians were one of the first who get the Bible in our native language thanked to Frantsisk Skorina.
         The next page was “A Visit to Books”. The students of a volunteer club “Dobroe Serdtse” tell about works of literature which celebrate their anniversaries this year. The poem “Moidodyr” – 95 years, “Crocodile” – 100 years, the author Korney Chukovskiy, the fairy tale “A Little Prince” – 75 years, the author  a French writer and poet Antoine Saint-Exupéry, the poem “Liubochka” – 70 years, the author Agnia Barto, the story “The Caucasian  Captive” – 145 years, the author Leo Tolstoy. All these works of literature became a classical literature.
         The third page was “About the Bible”. The father superior of the church Vladimir told about the most honorable book – the Bible.
         One more activity “You are welcome, books!”  for the 7th forms students was hold on the 22d of April.

       Elizaveta Gorbacheva and Maria Gritko about everybody's favourite children books and how the authors Nikolay Nosov, Agnia Barto and Samuil Marshak created their stories and poems. Students liked the videofragments and the quiz. 

вторник, 11 апреля 2017 г.

Think globally, act locally

        We should start from ourselves and from educating our children and our community to achieve Goal 4 of Sustainable Development – “Quality Education”. We are sure that every educated person should know about Sustainable Development, follow its goals and promote its ideas. Our students annually take part in international contests and actions, iEARN projects, which support Sustainable Development Goals.
       We have chosen Target 4.7. By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and nonviolence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development”. We are going to organize gymnasia activities and classes for teachers and students and discuss Sustainable Development Goals. We also will promote Sustainable Development Goals on our website https://gimn1st-dorogi.schools.by/   and this blog. 

воскресенье, 29 января 2017 г.

2017 Worldwide UNESCO Center for Peace Youth Multimedia Competition

This year’s prompt:    The international crisis of the growing number and desperate situation of refugees is one of the most pressing issues facing the world today.  Document how this crisis affects your life and / or offer a comprehensive, achievable solution to the problem.

Basic Information:  Go to www.unescousa.org.

Click on this link for the Submission Form:    http://bit.ly/2gRTY1Q

Questions?  Send an email to YouthContest@unescousa.org.